A lot of experiments in Gaea 1.3.2. These represent some of the more recent ideas though there are still about 100 other new things I haven't even shown yet. Hope you like them.
Detailed Avalanche set up. Started with a slope noise and added features to make the base shape which was then taken to build a snow system that I could define areas of slab collapse which would then simulate in Gaea to make the areas of avalanche.
Another example of the same system but a different base shape with lower resolution and simpler rules.
Medium-resolution build of an upper mountain region. Could be atop a cliff area or settled in a mountain valley.
This was an experiment for trying to make the creeping mist. Can only get so far with a render in Gaea.. no glow off the lava.. but fun to experiment with.
Created a system that allows me to isolate and exapand ridge areas automatically and then does some detail and cleanup passes quickly. The output provides masks for steep areas to get triplanar textures once exported to deal with those lower detail areas.
Another example of the same system with a new base shape.
Example of a very stylized build (for fun). I wanted to give the impression of an older video game by using more blocky and simple shapes. Rendered in Gaea with some creative trickery. :)